Finding The Happiness In You

Seeking for an inner peace, joy and happiness is one common goal every human seek to achieve. The essence of being happy without necessarily depending on someone or something is worth probing for. So many people today have found themselves in mental homes, rehabilitations centers and even in their graves because they depended on someone to make them smile, cheer them up and wipe their tears away. We try getting things that are far beyond our reach whiles ignoring the ones that are right in front of us. Most of the time, we strive all our lives for perfection which is actually hard to come by, the perfect relationship, the satisfying income, sexiest bodies, and lives full of laughter and the likes. So with such desires, it becomes hard for us to be happy if even one fall short. Some people have money in abundance, have all the greatest achievements, everything but yet not happy. Remember, that if these things can provide you happiness, it will be for only a short while. Always bear in mind that there is nothing like a perfect system. And even if there is, with time, it will develops faults. You think you have the cause to be unhappy since you fear what your family will survive on when there are so many threats at the workplace, health issues, and marital problems among others. Some of these issues leave people worrying to death. Happiness is isn’t pleasure. Pleasure doesn’t last for long. The pleasure of having achieved a desired goal, only adds up to your sorrows. Cos as you are able to achieve one, you feel the urge to achieve more which is quite unfeasible. The world advance as each day goes by; what may be your ultimate goal today may be your least goal tomorrow; leaving you striving to reach the top ignoring the things that actually gives you self fulfillment. Finding the joy in yourself is the safest way you can ever go. No need for you to go any farther, an extra mile to find whatever you need. Ø Start with self acceptance. Ø Be content with whatever you have; being it big or small. Ø Stop comparing what you have with others. Ø Start counting your blessings Ø Help someone. The joy of thinking that you are the reason behind someone’s smile will be enough to light you up Ø Appreciate whatever nature has given to you. Ø Forget about desires that are less valuable Ø Show love and spend quality time with your loved ones Ø Learn to forgive others and more importantly, forgive yourself Ø Pray Ø And don’t forget to Smile


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